
Montreal Festival du nouveau cinéma (FNC)


A lively, bold, popular, innovative event! For 51 years, the FNC has been showcasing national and international auteur cinema, treating audiences to works of diversity and originality by emerging and major filmmakers. Our focus on the NEW is threefold: new creators, new approaches and new technologies. As an international film festival and a major Quebec event, the FNC presents every year over 200 works from 60 different countries.

FNC 51th edition, October 5th to 16th, 2022


RPCE – Student competition
Since 2014, the FNC has pursued its commitment to support emerging cinema and make it accessible with the Rencontres pancanadiennes du cinéma étudiant (RPCE). This national student short film competition offers representatives of each canadian school the opportunity to meet up, present their films and exchange ideas through a program of workshops, conferences and networking activities that build strong ties with the industry. A different guest international school is also invited each year. The RPCE is designed not only as a platform for reflection and discussion, but just like the Festival, as a festive, friendly space for discovery!
RPCE 9th edition, October 10th to 12th, 2022

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